domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

Sobre la posibilidad de que haya un 'estancamiento secular'

Paul Krugman comenta el discurso de Larry Summers. Yves Smith le comenta a Krugman. Y Tyler Cowen

Ryan Avent también. Brad DeLong le comenta a Avent

Y Miles Kimball.

Y FT Alphaville.

Y Gavyn Davies.

Y Brad DeLong

Una crítica a todos los argumentos 'mainstream'


Lo que Krugman había dicho antes: Bubbles, regulation and secular stagnation


Olivier Blanchard: Monetary policy will never be the same again

Paul Krugman: Monetary and fiscal implications of secular stagnation

Martin Wolf: Why the future looks sluggish

Antonio Fatás: Saving glut or investment dearth?

Randall Wray

Is modern finance the source of secular stagnation?

JW Mason: Secular stagnation, progress in economics

Simon Wren-Lewis

Resumen del debate en Bruegel

De Pieria: 'Secular stagnation and post-scarcity' y 'The desert of plenty'

Columna de Brad DeLong: The long short run

Brad DeLong sobre James Pethokoukis

Brad DeLong: Is growth getting harder? If so, why, and what can we do about it? Tyler Cowen opina

Paul Krugman le echa números al debate

JW Mason: 'The interest rate and the interest rate' y 'The interest rate, the interest rate, and secular stagnation'

Ryan Avent duda de que de verdad estemos en estancamiento secular, excepto, si acaso, Alemania

Secular stagnation: Back to Alvin Hansen

Columna de Larry Summers. Brad DeLong comenta. Buttonwood opina tambien

The Economist: Why is stagnation bubbly?

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